
“This place [Medjugorje] is wide open with God’s Divine Mercy. And you see the peace. And the peace that you see is the Blessed Mother’s presence… She is present… Please come here. This is where you’ll experience the two most critical pieces of the culmination of salvation history. Again, I don’t think we have any idea, at all, the time we are living in and the importance of what is happening and what God and Mary are doing right here.”

Father Chris Alar, Provincial Superior, MIC will be joining us
for part of our September 29- October 6, 2023 pilgrimage


Amazing testimony of transformation and vocation to the priesthood of Father Jason Lewis, MIC, and his entire family! 

Father Jason Lewis, MIC has been an integral part of the Apostolate of Priestly Consecration and our Pilgrimages!
He is set to be Spiritual Director of his 3rd pilgrimage with us this September!
He has also been instrumental in forming a partnership between the Marian Fathers and the Apostolate – so we have been blessed to always have had at least one Marian Father with us on our last 5 pilgrimages and into the future – as they are joining us our 2 upcoming ones this fall – so far!

There is a power in your ministry, this apostolate. It’s a remarkable thing for me, to pray for you, for this apostolate, for my upcoming pilgrimage and for the holiness of priests.
I am overwhelmed with the power that I encounter as I pray about all this. It brings me to my knees in humility and a desire to surrender in ways that I don’t even know how to express at this moment, it’s so powerful and beautiful…”

Fr. Rob Elford – Halifax, Nova Scotia

Testimonies of Priests of Medjugorje

I’m still cherishing the blessings from mamma Mary 
Thanks to you and your ministry
Praying for you everyday 
Fr. Alexander De AlexMissionary Priest in India
Last June was one of the greatest graces in my life…
I don’t have any proper words to describe the change in my heart which has occurred since visiting Our Dear Mother in Medjugorje. The change in my life, in my focus. She has brought down heaven into my being and the things of this world are no longer of any interest to me. All I want is people to know, to experience, to come to the realization of THIS KIND OF LOVE which she has for us.
When I came to Medjugorje, I was living in a 300 square foot studio apartment. Today, a year later, I’m in a four bedroom house dedicated to prayer for Christian unity and it is all her doing. If I were to write of all the graces which have poured into my life since last June’s pilgrimage, I’d be here a week… I guess you can use these words as my testimony. Simply let the people know that my heart is utterly expanded in thanksgiving for the graces received.
F. Todd
Thank you so much for your concern and sponsorship. What I have done for you is like a drop in the ocean. You are a great soul
who made it possible for us to visit Medugorje. It has a lot of spiritual benefits. I sent some of our photos to my younger sister
who is a nun. She is really impressed by all these photos and spiritual events. May God bless you abundantly.
Thank you ma’am. God bless you
It’s my blessing and you are my precious gift given by Mother of Medjugorje… God continue to bless you abundantly and
be instrumental in the spreading the message of Queen of Peace to the entire world. Amen
Fr. Augustine MadanuSeminarian Professor
…thank you indefatigable servant in the Beloved and His Vineyard with Mary and Joseph and all the Angels and Saints and Poor Souls!

I think Jesus Mary and Joseph are very happy and pleased with your yes as they have brought so many firstly, …and then from so many varied places! Alleluia, well done good and faithful servant of the Beloved Triune-Lamb!
Fr. John F AertsNorth Dakota
I am writing to say thank you. First to God, for a wonderful Medjugorje experience. I left with that memory of the peace of the town and a sense of something authentic taking place there. I enjoyed particularly the 6 p.m. mass and the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at 7 p.m. I thank Our Lady for her blessings and favours.
…Our Lady decided I should be among the lot of those who don’t get to see all that was planned for one reason or another. I intend to return but I cannot say when. I have not come back radically changed but my perspective certainly has and that will give rise to its own brand of ongoing conversion and deepening of prayer and charity.
I wish you all God’s blessings are we return to the world of the mundane and the ordinary. Yet, I pray, the Good Lord will cause to flourish many favours and blessings in that very ordinariness. And that Our Lady, who heard God’s voice in the ordinary circumstances of a neglected village, will help you become extraordinary Christians.
Fr. Martin Sirju – Vicar General Diocese of Port-of-Spain in the Caribbean
“The graces of Medjugorje are holding up the whole world!”
Fr. Shawn Roberson chaplain of University of Steubenville

Fr. Scott Brossart, SOLT
Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity

I can’t thank you enough for all you have done for me and for this Apostolate for Priestly Consecration to Our Blessed Mother. Without you and without this Apostolate, I would never have received the tremendous graces that God and Our Blessed Mother have been pouring into my heart and life during my last several pilgrimages with you.
…Thank you again from the bottom of my heart for your own yes to the Lord and to Our Blessed Mother.

Read More

Fr. Scott Brossart, SOLT, continues his thoughts above, with this deeper reflection:

  • I wanted to share with you a few thoughts I have on the Apostolate for Priestly Consecration. What does it mean to me and how important is it for these times?

  • First of all, Our Lord tells us that we need to read the signs of our times. Our Lady, according to the formally approved apparitions of the Catholic Church, has appeared within our own century to warn us of the spiritual dangers of our times and to plead with her children to turn back to God in conversion and to make reparations for the sins of the world.  Without God, there is no peace. 

  • This is the central message of Our Lady of Medjugorje… to return to God and enter into a life of prayer and living the Gospel and Sacramental life in our daily lives. She asks us to live five spiritual stones:

1)  PRAYER with the heart the daily Rosary

2)  EUCHARIST Receive Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament every Sunday and to go to daily

    Mass whenever possible.

3)  HOLY SCRIPTURE  Read Holy Scripture, especially the Gospels every day.

4)  FASTING  Fast on bread and water on Wednesdays and Fridays5) CONFESSION Go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation at least once a Month. Go frequently and regularly.

  • Although Medjugorje has not been formally approved by the Catholic Church, the Holy Father has sent a papal envoy (or an official representative) to Medjugorje to care for the spiritual and pastoral needs of pilgrims and has allowed official church pilgrimages to take place in Medjugorje.

  • But WHY IS THE APOSTOLATE OF PRIESTLY CONSECRATION SO IMPORTANT? Without priests there are no sacraments, especially the living presence of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. There would also be no forgiveness of sins in the Sacrament of Confession.

  • Our Lady desires to form priests after her own heart who would be renewed in their priesthood and truly seek to lay down their lives for souls and who would draw souls closer to her Son. She desires to deepen their prayer life and help them to come closer to her Son in the Eucharist and bring others closer to Him in return.  There is also a special grace given in Medjugorje for priests to hear confessions and this also has been recognized as a spiritual fruit of this place.   But even more than this, she desires that priests be consecrated in a special way to her so that she can confer special graces upon them and their priestly ministry. 

  • For example, during the most recent pilgrimage to Medjugorje with the Apostolate for Priestly Consecration there was a laicized priest who joined us, unbeknownst to us. During this pilgrimage he made an announcement that his heart has been moved to begin seeking to return to the priesthood.  This is a concrete fruit of this apostolate and how amazing it truly is and this was only the third pilgrimage given so far. 

  • But there has also been abundant fruit given to me. Without this apostolate under Janet Moore’s direction, I and many other priests who could have never afforded to go to Medjugorje are given the gift of going there for free.  The Apostolate pays for each and every priest who desires to go and who cannot afford to go on their own. Wow.  That in itself is an amazing gift for me and for so many other priests.  I personally have been touched by the graces in Medjugorje and I would never have received the tremendous graces that God and Our Blessed Mother have been pouring into my heart and life during my last several pilgrimages with Janet Moore and this Apostolate.

Without your support and contributions to this much needed apostolate, this would never happen so I thank you!  I thank you from the depths of my heart for myself and for each and every priest or bishop who will be given the opportunity to be touched directly by the graces given to us as priests in Medjugorje and to become more devoted to Our Blessed Mother through our priestly consecration to her as her priestly sons.  May she form us after the likeness of her own Priestly Son’s Heart, Jesus Christ.  I also personally want to thank Janet Moore for starting this Apostolate of Priestly Consecration. Without her own “fiat” or yes to the Lord and to what Our Blessed Mother is asking of her, this Apostolate would not exist in this world nor in these much needed times.

Fr. Darrin May – Diocese of Wichita

In September 2021, I had the pleasure of going on a pilgrimage to Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina. Janet Moore arranged and led the pilgrimage from Wichita to Medjugorje. Medjugorje is a place of alleged Marian apparitions. It is not my intention to make a formal statement about the apparitions and I submit myself entirely to the Catholic Church’s discernment. I am writing about my own personal experience which was very positive.

I’ve been on several pilgrimages including Fatima, Lourdes, Rome and the Holy Land but the pilgrimage to Medjugorje was different.
Why? That is a difficult question to answer. We did meet 4 of the 6 visionaries and were present at one of the apparitions. One might ask if those were the highlights and the answer for me was surprising, no.
So what were the highlights? It was experiencing the fruit of Medjugorje.
Following are a few personal “fruits”:
1st – Medjugorje has been called the confessional of the world. This has intrigued me for some time. It was with joy that I was able to hear confessions there. The experience was beautiful! The pilgrims were devout and truly open to the Holy Spirit. After speaking with another priest, who was from Switzerland, we were both amazed at our experiences in the confessional.
2nd – was the humility of Mirjana. She is one of the visionaries but it was her humility that was so impressive to me. When we arrived at her home which is also a hostel for pilgrims, she was waiting tables in the cafeteria. Mirjana was scheduled to talk to our group but she thought she was only going to say hi. When she met us and found out about the misunderstanding, she was truly embarrassed and ended up talking with us for about 45 minutes or so. Her humility during the conversation was tangible to me and she may well be the most humble person I have ever met. I’ve seen plenty of false humility and hers was truly authentic and moving.
3rd – was the joy of being a priest. It is true that there are many joys of being a priest but typically the joys are tied more in what we do as priests than just being a priest. This is very difficult for me to explain but in Medjugorje, it was the joy of just being a priest. It was there that I truly experienced the love of the priesthood without any judgements or agendas. I found there an authentic love for the priesthood and what a priest really is.
It is in gratitude to Our Lady that I say Thank You for the opportunity to go on the pilgrimage. I am deeply grateful to Janet Moore for inviting me to go and then making the pilgrimage possible. Also, the group of pilgrims that went were amazing and each one was a blessing for me…

Fr. Darrin May
Spiritual Life Center Director Wichita, KS

Hear from some priests from our past Medjugorje Pilgrimages:


Fr. John Anthony Boughton, General Superior of CFRs, one of our Spiritual Directors in June 2022

Fr. Jim Blount, SOLT, worldwide evangelist and exorcist, Spiritual Director in October 2022 – Preparing us for our first Mass in Medjugorje

“…with profound joy and gratitude I thank you from the bottom of my heart for offering me this valuable and meaningful trip. 

I really loved and received the healing and blessings of Mother Mary in my life.
Now on I will be the messenger of Queen of Peace … this pilgrimage changed my life.

…my vocation is to carry her message faithfully. … I have one Sole desire before I end my priestly life if I get chance I want to ministry in Medjugorje as a confessor or at least a chaplain to bless the articles bought by pilgrims or at least  near the foot of Mother Mary in Medjugorje even church door step I want to spend in her presence. 

[A few years before the pilgrimage, Father Praveen’s lungs were so severely damaged that the doctors had given up hope for him even to survive… But, then, Father Praveen recounts that Mother Mary of Medjugorje came to him while he was in ICU and she gave him a “second life”. He came in October 2022 to Medjugorje to thank Mary – but he still had frequent struggles with his lungs… until he climbed Mt. Krizevac on the last day of our pilgrimage! Now he writes:] …”I have received abundant blessings and am not worried of my health at all.” 

“I …love to be there in Medjugorje along with you spending precious time in that holy place. Really I am passionately in love with Mother Mary Queen of Peace in Medjugorje. …I am longing and waiting to see you again and our Mother Mary.

Thank you so much ma’am for doing such a wonderful ministry and a salvation of human kind through Mary. God bless you abundantly madam.”Fr. Praveen Nukathoti from IndiaPastor of several mission churches

The Apostolate of Priestly Consecration’s 41st Anniversary Medjugorje Pilgrimage October 2022

Fr. Augustine Madanu

The Apostolate of Priestly Consecration’s 41st Anniversary Medjugorje Pilgrimage October 2022

Fr. Praveen Nukathoti

Apostolate of Priestly Consecration’s 3rd 40th Anniversary Medjugorje Pilgrimage in May 2022

Fr. Roger and Fr. Glenn

Apostolate of Priestly Consecration 40th Anniversary Pilgrimage May and June 2022

Fr. Tyler Mentzer, MIC and (Fr.) Jason Lewis, MIC

Fr. Jarrod Lies testimony from our May 2022 pilgrimage

Fr. Jerome from Nigeria’s testimony from Medjugorje and Fr. Jozo Retreat May 2022

The Apostolate of Priestly Consecration’s 41st Anniversary Medjugorje – Ireland Pilgrimage October 2022

Fr. John Aerts

Father Praveen’s Incredible Testimony of Healing from the October 2022 pilgrimage – when he returned to India

Fr. Praveen Nukathoti

Cherished Medjugorje Testimony of Fr. Alex Alexander from India from our May / June 2023 pilgrimage

Fr. Christopher’s Beautiful Testimony of many many miracles in Medjugorje!

Inspired Medjugorje Testimony of Fr. David Smith, MIC from our May / June 2023 pilgrimage

Fr. Paschal from Tasmania! Powerful Medjugorje Testimony! from our October 2023 Pilgrimage

Fr. Sama Muma from Cameroon! Moving Testimony of Apostolate of Priestly Consecration Pilgrimage October 2023

Fr. Robert Christo from Trinidad Tobago! His Profound Testimony of Medjugorje part 1

Medjugorje Thank You from Fr. Jim McCormick, MIC – Heartfelt Testimony


Our Pilgrims’ Testimonies

The priests last year on both trips I was on were amazing and that is coming from someone who is usually scared to death to even approach a priest much less talk to one (other than behind a screen for confession and even that was not easy!)!

I was so very blessed to run across your site for pilgrimages last year and pray for many blessings and graces to be poured out on you and your apostolate! I pray that everyone Mary calls goes!

Debbie Davis

Going to Medjugorje both times with you has been one of  the greatest blessings in my life! I wish I can write down all the graces I have received from there and the graces Anthony received also. There are no words that can describe what the soul experiences, all the blessings, graces, and miracles received in Medjugorje are indescribable. There’s only awe and gratitude!  I left my heart in Medjugorje.  I love everything about Medjugorje. I 100% support your ministry for our priests. It’s a great blessing you have received and I am sure it’s also a lot of work yet very rewarding. Thank you for your yes to momma Mary. And I am grateful to our Lord for placing you in my path. Thanks be to God for all the priests and pilgrims you have brought to Medjugorje. I know for a fact we have received beautiful miracles there. – Ana Maria Rivera

I’m still swimming in Mamma MARY’s love. I can’t thank you enough for what you do  Janet it’s a beautiful Ministry you been blessed with.

…being able to help priest, that couldn’t maybe afford to go any other way. I think there were 80 Pilgrims on the pilgrimage [with] Father’s James Blount and to have contact with all of them on that Pilgrim link we share is priceless.

James Fischer

I hope that the Holy Spirit will help me to put into words what I am feeling in my heart. Medjugorje transformed my soul in an outpouring of grace, peace, and a new sense of belonging, a unity to all of Mary’s family, or army as I like to say. She is building her army around the world, to have the grace to be steadfast in our faith and have peace when all the world seems to be going bonkers as Fr Mark would say.  The people that I met on my trip last May/June I am connected with still like they are family.  I am part of a weekly zoom prayer group that has 6 others from my pilgrimage.  I joined the Seven Sisters Apostolate over there, where a gal named Boots got 10 priests signed up with 7 women each to pray for them one hour a week in front of the Blessed Sacrament.  I bonded with Deacon Jason and Fr Tyler from the Marians of the Immaculate Conception, and it was beautiful to see a total of 18 people from our Medjugorje trip in Stockbridge last year for Deacon Jason’s Perpetual Vows.  These 18 people only knew him for 1-2 weeks!  That’s what Mary does!  She is uniting Christians from around the world and making them part of her family. I was given several little gifts while in Medjugorje and on the island with Fr Jozo.  Miracles that wouldn’t seem much to you, because they were meant just for me.  I reflect on them often, and enjoy the peace and consolation that comes each time.  I feel like there is nothing that can ever steal my peace.  I feel like Mary united my heart to Jesus in a new and profound way!  I can’t wait to go back this September/October and see what Mary has in store for me. I go with no expectations, only an open heart.  I feel so privileged to spend time with Fr Jozo again.  I felt like I was being taught by Padre Pio, and I knew that I was in the presence of a very holy man and very possibly a Saint!  I will continue to return to Medjugorje as long as I am physically able to go. God Bless You and I pray that Mary is calling you to go!   Cindy Glazier

Thanks from the bottom of my heart for EVERYTHING! A pilgrimage of a lifetime, which will ripple through my soul forever! …

I became more deeply and humbly aware of the miracle of the Incarnation when I went on a pilgrimage to Medjugorje this past October. It was there that my traumatized child within was healed during several encounters with our Blessed Mother, Mother of God, and Jesus, Her Son and our Lord.

At one point, I left a school picture of myself at the feet of Mother on top of Apparition Hill, the site of the first visits of her to six young people in the Balkan village in southeastern Europe in 1981. What better place to entrust a symbol of your broken past to the woman who mothers us all?  

It was in that place where I discovered anew that nothing is too small for our Lord and Lady to care about and to cure. To them, every jot and tittle, every loss of a hair of my head, every stifled cry of myself in elementary school was important, , is important, along with all the big stuff: lack of bonding with a mother, abuse by a brother and a high school teacher, years of confused identity and lack of being.

Because they cared about the little Laurie, I came home more settled, more secure, more peaceful, less pained. Of course, one pilgrimage is only the tip of the iceberg where God’s involvement in my life is concerned. And yet, it was that one tip that was a tipping point that is making all the difference.

I had to go thousands of miles away from home to discover that home is in the heart as one resides in the hearts of Jesus and Mary. For they are the healers of every rugged place they make plain, every parched desert they make into drink of delight, every empty, darkened room they fill with presence and light…

Laurie Robinson

Without your encouragement to go, I would have missed out on a lifetime of graces and blessings. 

…since Medjugorie, I have had answers to questions answered PROFOUNDLY!  In that, since I have been home I have asked the Lord (and Mary) very specific questions and immediately I have received the answers by way of the Miracle of the Sun both times.  I just had my second miracle yesterday! Praise the Lord! 

My reflection, since being in Medjugorie, is: I became determined to follow the 5 stones of Mary: Pray the Rosary with the heart, Eucharist, Holy Bible, Fasting, Monthly Confession.  I was already doing the rest and striving to do each one better, but I felt daily Mass was just too much!  Yet, while we were there, we attended daily Mass and I did it! That brief time of attending daily Mass is all it took for me, for the first time in my life, to start going to daily Mass.  I KNOW that is why I have received the glorious miraculous answers to my questions. 

Bottom line, I’m striving to become a Saint. I continue to strive because I am a sinner and am prone to sin and temptation.  I know God’s plan for me (in part). Which brings to mind this Scripture:   Jeremiah 29:11  “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

All my love,

Tori Nunn

A … heartfelt thank you for organising the pilgrimage to Medjugore recently. Particular thanks for having Fr Jim lead it. What a joy. It was a very special trip, action packed with holiness and endless graces.   God speed and heavenly blessings to you and your important Apostolate.  You’re forever in my prayers,Louise from NSW, Australia

thank you for saying yes to our Lady and stepping out in faith by starting this apostolate despite all of the adversity! My wife and I  will be praying for the gift of holy courage like yours! My wife and I would have pushed off coming to Medjugorje, had we not seen that Father Jim was going! We’ve always wanted to come, but we had such a strong urge to book the trip when we saw he would be going! We’ve really had a deep spiritual healings through Father Jim this past year and with this trip God was calling us to even more healing and graces. 

This trip was so beautiful, our Blessed Lady is truly bringing people closer to Jesus and helping us heal and cultivate deeper conversions. We will be praying for your apostolate and hopefully finding priests that would like to come to Medjugorje!  We hope to join you on another pilgrimage, God Willing! We can’t wait for when Blessed Mother calls us, hopefully soon!  God Bless you and your family, Sean and Martha  

…went to Cenacolo where I had been before.

I was looking at Mother’s big smile in her picture there and the sign saying, “Nothing will be impossible for God.”I grew up in a very afflicted and broken family and I recall thinking that if something like Cenacolo had been available for myself and my siblings it may have been very beneficial to us.I then listened to the young men and did the usual tour of the shop etc. Later I wanted to go to confession and was second in line. It was very damp and cold and the line grew quite long but no Priest.Finally someone said, “Oh, thank God, here comes Fr. Max.! …Inwardly I prayed he was “ My Priest” the one I had been trying to find realizing I’d know when I met him!  Fr. Maximillian was indeed. “My Priest.” As I entered and began to confess I found myself telling Fr. Maximillian (Delvai) about the death of my brother Malachy in 1984.Malachy had severe emotional and mental health issues and died in June 12th of 1984 from an overdose of tricyclic Antidepressants and alcohol. He was just 24 years old and we were very close. Now I thought I had dealt with the grief and pain of my brother’s loss but as I began telling Father about all this I broke down in huge choking sobs. It was as if a huge physical lump of pain literally escaped from my chest almost choking me. I was helpless to continue but Father Maximillian prayed over me. I left, still sobbing but later realized I had been carrying the huge wound of my brothers death around with me without even realizing it. …No coincidence either, that Father Sudac had spoken much about how we all have wounds which need to be healed as they leave us vulnerable to attacks from evil spirits.  I thank and praise God for these holy Priests who love Our Lady so much and are very close to Jesus.May God  be blessed and praised forever, Amen Blessed Mother Mary, Queen of Peace of Medjugorje, thank you!! Then since I had been sharing much about Mother’s Apparitions in Medjugorje with my dear Missionary Friend from India, over the years of our friendship and had sent him some gifts from Medjugorje, Holy Mother allowed us to be in contact with you and your Apostolate, dear Janet and through you we were able to meet in Medjugorje where Father had begged OL to let him come when he was fighting fir his life in ICU, post Covid. Mary Evanshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHOmBV4js_E

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