Pilgrimages, Retreats and Resources
“I don’t think any of us understand the magnitude of what is going on here: How God’s whole plan of salvation is culminating in Divine Mercy and Medjugorje. How everything has led up to this point, this point in human history.”
-Father Chris Alar, MIC
“Dear children, I am with you. I am your Mother.
Do not be afraid of anything. I am the Queen of Peace and
I have come, my dear children, because my Son has sent me to help you."

Why the Apostolate Exists
In 2017 I had an experience at daily Mass in Medjugorje that changed my life forever.
Our Blessed Mother came to me while I was in prayer after receiving Jesus in Holy Communion. She came to me weeping. How can I ever describe this? All I can say is that she was truly with me and very real – and of course, my heart was breaking to see her in such pain, and I began to cry deeply with her. It was incredibly moving and impossible to describe… Yet, Mary has asked me to try again by sharing details I hadn’t yet shared …
As I prayed and wept with her … I understood she wept in unspeakable love for her priest-sons. She loves them so deeply! And I understood, that like any mom, (but one who loves more than all mothers combined), she misses her sons and longs for them to come to her, to visit her and to acknowledge her coming – as she comes to visit us from heaven each day!
Stop and consider how incredible this fact is! If this is true, how can God, who is sending Mary to turn and convert our hearts back to Him “for the last time” – not be something worthy of our time and attention?
She was weeping because so many of her sons, (so many of us), are “missing this time of visitation” ! We are missing this time of unimaginable mercy -which will not last forever! She is weeping because she knows the consequences for us in not responding. It isn’t without reason that God is sending Mary to us daily for over four decades!!! She is coming to save us – because we need saving!
While she was still with me, I felt called to look up at the priests who were offering Mass behind the altar. There were seventeen English-speaking priests that morning and one in particular stood out, one whom I had met before. He was 81 years old, in very ill health and could barely walk, and yet he had made this very difficult pilgrimage from America every year for over 30 years – in thanksgiving for Mary’s coming! She cried in great joy for him and for all her faithful priest-sons up on the altar who had visited her and who had answered her call. But her love extended far beyond those particular priests – she cried in great joy for all who had come in the past and for all who would come in the future – but most importantly, her great joy rests in all who live as other ‘Johns’, faithfully present under the Cross with her, and who have “taken her into their homes” so she can be with them always! And so she and the Holy Spirit can form them into other Christs and help them selflessly pour themselves out in love for God and for the salvation of souls.
But also, she cried in inexpressible sorrow for her sons who reject her – who fail to “Behold her as their mother” and who reject or ignore the unfathomable grace God has given in sending her to us DAILY for almost 42 years! Remember, Jesus said “Those who reject you, reject Me” to His disciples as He was sending out to be His witnesses. So she weeps for all her sons who reject not only her, but God as He is sending her in His Name… and for all her priest-sons who have lost their way and have become lukewarm. Lastly, she weeps in unquenchable agony for those who actively reject her Son and work against God and His Church – for all the false shepherds who are inflicting so much harm upon their flocks. It was heart wrenching to experience even a fraction of the pain she feels and what she expressed.
As I wept deeply with Mary, my heart broke for her and for her priest-sons – particularly for all the lost and those who are rejecting their Mother. And I KNEW she was calling me to help bring priests to herself – to this Living Spring – this Fountain of Mercy and this place that streams with the Holy Spirit’s Outpouring Grace, which God is manifesting so profoundly in Medjugorje.
Although I didn’t know how to fulfill this call, I continued to pray, to cry, and to ponder all these things – knowing if I was faithfully praying and sacrificing for this intention and this truly was a visitation of Mary, it would come to fruition through God’s grace.
That’s all I understood at the time, but I realized as I prayed and sought direction (over the course of several years) … that she was calling me to BRING PRIESTS TO HERSELF ON PILGRIMAGE – FOR FREE – but even more importantly, though harder to articulate or substantiate in tangible ways, God was calling me to form an Apostolate that – through prayer and sacrifice – would help bring priests interiorly to deeper relationship to GOD through Total Consecration – a total self-giving – a total giving up of themselves to Mary and to her Spouse, the Holy Spirit! So that by doing so, we would HELP BRING PRIESTS into the refuge of MARY’S HEART, who so DEEPLY LOVES THEM – so that she can help them recognize HOW DEEPLY THEY ARE LOVED BY GOD – AND HOW NECESSARY THEY ARE TO HER (GOD’S) PLANS!
THE TRIUMPH MARY FORETOLD IN FATIMA WILL NOT HAPPEN WITHOUT STRONG AND HOLY PRIESTS – THEY ARE INDISPENSABLE TO GOD’S PLANS! So, she is coming daily to bring them (and all of us) to herself and to Christ – Who is forever united with her! She comes in continuation of Jesus’ mission – to be near to the brokenhearted, bind up the lame, heal the sick, strengthen the weak, comfort the sorrowing, help the blind see and set the captives free. She is coming to help us give ourselves fully to God – holding nothing back. Renewing and helping us make our total consecration – our total surrender – to Jesus through her heart – and in return, she gives us all of herself to help us love her Son as He deserves and to be filled to overflowing with the Holy Spirit- and so form and strengthen priests to live as other Christs who are both sacrificial lambs and good shepherds, who will stop at nothing to feed their flock.
I’ve come to understand, THERE IS NOTHING OF GREATER IMPORTANCE – for when we help a priest – we help save every soul he comes in contact with, and also, ULTIMATELY, (we will recognize this in ever greater fullness as our time approaches the Triumph of Mary’s Immaculate Heart), it is ONLY THROUGH THE MASS AND THE SACRAMENTS that a priest offers that HUMANITY IS BOTH – BEING SAVED – AND WILL BE SAVED!
So, after years of prayer and fasting (and decades of the same leading up this time as a follower of Medjugorje who has striven to live Mary’s messages) and now 101 masses offered by my Bishop (so far) for this intention(!)
…Miracle after miracle after miracle has happened and our first five pilgrimages to Medjugorje took place on September 2 – 10, 2021 and on March 16-26, 2022, May 22-June 1, 2022, May 31-June 8, 2022 and October 14-23, 2022. During all of these pilgrimages, truly unfathomable graces flowed upon all the priests and laity present! On the last pilgrimage alone we had 10 priests join us!
Perhaps Mary is inviting you to join us? Perhaps through prayer and sacrifice, or by donating (as we rely completely on Divine Providence), or by coming with us on one of our pilgrimages to this place which is like the new Wedding Feast of Cana – where mercy, peace, conversions and healings pour out like abundant wine?!
Please help us pray and fast and give a tax deductible donation to help priests rest within the heart of Mary! Truly, by doing so, we are helping do our part in bringing about the Triumph of Mary and the salvation of the world.
Our Pilgrimages!
Our Response to Our Mary's Call
Why come with us?
The Apostolate of Priestly Consecration was formed to pray and sacrifice for priests and for Mary’s plans in Medjugorje to be realized by bringing as many priests as possible to Jesus and Mary- both interiorly: through Total Consecration; and exteriorly: through FREE Medjugorje pilgrimages.
The Holy Spirit has called me to bring 1000 priests! Telling me to never worry or fear that there will not be enough, for Our God is a God of abundance as well as immense power and love! These are his priests and his pilgrimages – not mine! And because NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD! So, although I don’t know how, nor do we seemingly have enough funds – but, because we rely solely on the providence of God – we continually trust and believe and go forward with joy and anticipation for all God is doing through His Blessed Mother!
The Apostolate of Priestly Consecration is a ministry – not a pilgrimage company, which Our Mother Mary directs and leads and provides the best guides and stays and experiences possible. By coming with us, pilgrims are also gifted with the unparalleled spiritual direction and access to the Sacraments and graces of traveling with as many as 10 or more priests who have been handpicked by Our Lady, including:
Fr. Jim Blount, SOLT,; Fr. Scott Brossart, SOLT; Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, – Provincial Superior; Fr. John Anthony Boughton, CFR- General Superior; (Fr.) Jason Lewis, MIC; Fr. Jim McCormack, MIC, Fr. Tyler Mentzer, MIC, Fr. David Smith, MIC;…and so many, many more! See their testimonies here.
Mary is calling her priest-sons to herself because she loves them dearly and longs to form them into great saints. These great saints are needed for her Triumph that she promised in Fatima to be realized. She tells us that what she began in Fatima, she will complete in Medjugorje; also saying that strong priests are necessary for her Triumph to take place – they are the bridge that will enable us to pass over from the time that we’re living in now into her Triumph!
One of Mary’s continual messages in Medjugorje to us is to pray, pray, pray and sacrifice for our shepherds!
Our Pilgrimages have been extraordinary!! We were blessed to host 7 pilgrimages in our first year and a half – taking now 32 priests and over 200 souls literally from all over the world – to Our Blessed Mother, where she is still appearing daily for over 42 years!
Can you imagine nearly 42 years of coming daily to us?! What signs and wonders and what mercy God is pouring down on His People – showing forth His Endless Love for us, which stops at nothing to save us!
Now, perhaps it’s your turn? Please join us!
(Please pray for them!!! – they depend on my health and upon your responses, but I’m hopeful)
1. Oct. 14-Oct. 23, 2024 – with visionary Marija who still has apparitions of Mary daily!!!
– Fr. Scott Brossart, SOLT and Fr. Rick Wendell will be our spiritual directors, so far…
2. Our Lady of Guadalupe – December 3-9th?
“…We came for the spiritual retreat. We will spend a few days here in Medjugorje, at Our Lady’s school. We want, with Our Lady’s intercession, to penetrate deeper into the mystery of our priesthood. We want to weigh our priesthood on the scales of the Lord’s words. We want to examine ourselves if we are fully Jesus’ brothers, what do we lack, what hinders us from being completely His? We want to repent for our mistakes, and we want to continue to build and complete everything that we have started building well on the solid foundations of the Gospel at the right time. These days we will try to be fed more solidly and richly on the words of Jesus than on physical food. These days should bring us spiritual refreshment….Dear priests, I thank you for coming to this holy place to renew your life.” Archbishop Cavalli, the Apostolic Visitor, the Pope’s official representative in Medjugorje
Links to Help you Prepare for your Pilgrimage- from Medjugorje.org
- What to Know Before You Go
- What is a Pilgrimage
- Pilgrimage Facts and Info
- Pilgrimage By: Fr. Slavko
- Parish Guidelines
- Parish Program
- Learn a Little Croatian
- Croatian Prayer Page
Possible 2025 Bishop and Priest Pilgrimages with my mentors!!!
- Fr. John Anthony Boughton – Vicar of the CFRs, who was formed by Fr. Svet and Fr. Slavko for 2 years as he journeyed from Protestantism to the priesthood through Medjugorje – he and I are speaking of planning a pilgrimage that we pray will bring many bishops and priests to Medjugorje.
- Bishop and Priest Pilgrimage Retreat from my diocese
- Contact me at [email protected] for more information
Whether or not you’re able to join us – I ask for your prayers.
- Please pray for the Apostolate
- for our pilgrimages
- for all priests and pilgrims who have already joined us and who are being called to come
- and in thanksgiving for our generous donors!
- Please discern if you can help us financially –
- or if you feel called to share about the Apostolate and its pilgrimages with others.
- Especially: invite even more priests to join us! We can never have too many! Have them reach out to me at [email protected]
Consider! Every priest touched by Mary will go on to inspire all those entrusted to their care! And, know just by joining us on pilgrimage, you are Everyone who helping bring priests for free!
- Please pray for the Apostolate
Our Pilgrimages have been extraordinary!! We were blessed to host 7 pilgrimages in our first year and a half – taking now 32 priests and over 200 souls literally from all over the world – to Our Blessed Mother, where she is still appearing daily for over 42 years!
Can you imagine nearly 42 years of coming daily to us?! What signs and wonders and what mercy God is pouring down on His People – showing forth His Endless Love for us, which stops at nothing to save us!
Now, perhaps it’s your turn? Please join us!
Our 2023 Pilgrimages
I’m humbled and blessed to share these are the incredible pilgrimages Mary is working out for us!
– details are subject to change –
***Each pilgrimage has been planned by Our Blessed Mother and so will be incredibly blessed and anointed:
In addition to 7 nights in Medjugorje, (a place where conversions, healings and extraordinary grace and signs and wonders abound), the Apostolate alone is blessed with this incredible once-in-a-lifetime – life changing opportunity – to be on retreat with Fr. Jozo, who was the parish priest when the apparitions first began. He endured years of imprisonment and torture from the Communists as they attempted to stop the apparitions. We’ll stay at a Franciscan Monastery on a beautiful private Island off the coast of Croatia
- What would you do to spend 4 days with Padre Pio? This is something very similar here!
- PLUS WE HAVE THE AMAZING GRACE OF STAYING WITH THE VISIONARY MARIJA WHO SEES MARY EVERY DAY! Staying with Marija the visionary gives us the opportunity to be at daily apparitions of Our Lady!
230925 – FR JOZO RETREAT – IAD + ICT – JANET MOORE REGISTER TODAY: http://mircenter.com/registration.html
Fr. Chris Alar, MIC – the new provincial superior of the Marian and Divine Mercy Fathers of the USA and
(Father) Jason Lewis, MIC are our SPIRITUAL DIRECTORS!!! – along with about 10 other priests!
- Deacon Jason Lewis, MIC and his whole family had their conversion through Medjugorje and he has an incredible understanding and love and mission for Medjugorje – I transcribed his conversation with Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, here, and quote them both extensively on the this website. He’ll be ordained to the priesthood on August 12, 2023.
- WE HAVE THE AMAZING GRACE OF STAYING WITH THE VISIONARY MARIJA WHO SEES MARY EVERY DAY! Staying with Marija the visionary gives us the opportunity to be at daily apparitions of Our Lady!
- Only a few spots left! REGISTER TODAY: http://mircenter.com/registration.html
- HOLY HOUSE OF LORETO, (the home of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, where Jesus became incarnate in Mary’s womb and the place St. John Paul II called the “Holiest Place on Earth”), – Assisi – visit Sts. Francis and Clare and now the incorrupt body of Blessed Carlo Acutis – San Giovanni Rotondo – see the incorrupt body of Padre Pio – St. Michael’s Cave, – Lanciano and Orvieto – Amazing Eucharistic Miracles –Rome – Saints Peter and Paul,Saint John Paul II, all the countless martyrs of Rome and the hundreds of popes and saints pray for us! – Monte Cassino – home of the Benedictine order
- PLUS we’re staying with the visionary Mirjana and with Miki as our guide! It is a great gift as it’s deeply humbling to see her serve us – often while she’s in great pain – but with such joy and love. Meeting and listening to her has been a highlight of all my pilgrims who’ve had the opportunity to do so! However, it’s often not possible to get a chance to have time with her – unless we stay at her hotel. So, this is why I try to strive to stay with her for many of our pilgrimages.
- JM100723 Medjugorje Italy Flyer
- TIME AND SPACE IS LIMITED – REGISTER TODAY! https://www.pilgrimages.com/priestlyconsecration/
- staying with visionary Mirjana and with Miki as our guide! It is a great gift as it’s deeply humbling to see her serve us – often while she’s in great pain – but with such joy and love. Meeting and listening to her has been a highlight of all my pilgrims who’ve had the opportunity to do so! However, it’s often not possible to get a chance to have time with her – unless we stay at her hostel. So, this is why I try to strive to stay with her for many of our pilgrimages.
- JM100723 Italy Medjugorje Flyer
- TIME AND SPACE IS LIMITED REGISTER TODAY! https://www.pilgrimages.com/priestlyconsecration/
(Please pray for them!!! – they depend on my health and upon your responses, but I’m hopeful)
1. Sept. 26- Oct. 5, 2024 – with visionary Mirjana. Meeting and staying with Mirjana is highlight for pilgrims as serves us with such kindness and humility
– Fr. Rick Wendell, spiritual director (we’ll be joining with JMJ tours)
Space is very limited!
2. Oct. 14-Oct. 23, 2024 – with visionary Marija who still has apparitions of Mary daily!!!
– Fr. Scott Brossart, SOLT and Fr. Rick Wendell will be our spiritual directors, so far…
3. Our Lady of Guadalupe – December 3-9th?
“…We came for the spiritual retreat. We will spend a few days here in Medjugorje, at Our Lady’s school. We want, with Our Lady’s intercession, to penetrate deeper into the mystery of our priesthood. We want to weigh our priesthood on the scales of the Lord’s words. We want to examine ourselves if we are fully Jesus’ brothers, what do we lack, what hinders us from being completely His? We want to repent for our mistakes, and we want to continue to build and complete everything that we have started building well on the solid foundations of the Gospel at the right time. These days we will try to be fed more solidly and richly on the words of Jesus than on physical food. These days should bring us spiritual refreshment.”
“Dear priests, I thank you for coming to this holy place to renew your life.” Archbishop Cavalli, the Apostolic Visitor, the Pope’s official representative in Medjugorje
Links to Help you Prepare for your Pilgrimage- from Medjugorje.org
- What to Know Before You Go
- What is a Pilgrimage
- Pilgrimage Facts and Info
- Pilgrimage By: Fr. Slavko
- Parish Guidelines
- Parish Program
- Learn a Little Croatian
- Croatian Prayer Page
Possible 2025 Bishop and Priest Pilgrimages with my mentors!!!
- Fr. John Anthony Boughton – Vicar of the CFRs, who was formed by Fr. Svet and Fr. Slavko for 2 years as he journeyed from Protestantism to the priesthood through Medjugorje – he and I are speaking of planning a pilgrimage that we pray will bring many bishops and priests to Medjugorje.
- Bishop and Priest Pilgrimage Retreat from my diocese
- Contact me at [email protected] for more information
Whether or not you’re able to join us – I ask for your prayers.
- Please pray for the Apostolate
- for our pilgrimages
- for all priests and pilgrims who have already joined us and who are being called to come
- and in thanksgiving for our generous donors!
- Please discern if you can help us financially –
- or if you feel called to share about the Apostolate and its pilgrimages with others.
- Especially: invite even more priests to join us! We can never have too many! Have them reach out to me at [email protected]
Consider! Every priest touched by Mary will go on to inspire all those entrusted to their care! And, know just by joining us on pilgrimage, you are Everyone who helping bring priests for free!
- Please pray for the Apostolate
Our Past Pilgrimages

In thanksgiving for our first 5 Pilgrimages!
Our Latest: October 14-23, 2022 –
With Fr. James Blount, SOLT as our Spiritual Director, and Deacon Jason Lewis, MIC! 10 priests all together went with us!
God brought literally thousands of souls to him through the priestly ministry, love and prayers of Father Jim Blount, SOLT. Fr. Jim couldn’t walk freely as so many were stopping him and asking for his prayers while in Medjugorje – spending 7 hours continually with pilgrims after our first Mass there before making it back to our hotel for supper. And when we arrived in Knock, Ireland – what was supposed to be a simple private Mass for our pilgrimage group was moved mysteriously to the Basilica, where we found at least 1000 people waiting for us (and more continued to pour in) – wanting to be prayed over by Fr. Jim.
4. May 31- June 8th. We had Mary’s All Star Priests – as I called them, (priests whom Mary inspired me to reach out to whom I had never met before. These amazing priests responded and became my dear mentors and supporters) including Fr. John Anthony Boughton, CFR a holy and spirit filled priest who is the Vicar of the CFRs. He has an amazing testimony of conversion from Protestantism to priesthood – all through Medjugorje! He was also blessed to be formed for 2 years by Fr. Svet and Fr. Slavko. We also had several more priests with us, including Fr. Scott Brossart, SOLT, Deacon Jason Lewis, MIC, and Father Tyler Mentzer, MIC, and Fr. Benny from Denmark. We even were supposed to have Fr. James Blount, SOLT – a holy and Spirit filled priest and exorcist, who couldn’t come at the last minute as he was sick.
And began our pilgrimage on the Feast of the Visitation!
It is such an unfathomable grace that Mary is coming to us and that she is calling us to visit her in this most holy ground of her ongoing Visitation – in this place where she has been bringing Jesus to us daily for 41 years!
Where millions are being sanctified and filled with the Holy Spirit at the LORD’S PRESENCE, which comes at the sound of her greeting and by the grace of Mary’s words and messages to us.
Thank you to all who celebrated these 40th Anniversary pilgrimages with us!
- Pilgrims were deeply moved and inspired by Fr. Jozo! – We also hosted a Eucharistic Healing Service. All were blessed and transformed! One pilgrim received immense spiritual and physical supernatural healing! 3 priests joined us! Fr. David Smith, MIC, Fr. Rob Elford, and Fr. Alexander de Alex
SEE DETAILS AND FLYER HERE http://mircenter.com/registration.html
MEDJUGORJE PILGRIMAGE – May 30 – June. 2023 –
Our pilgrims were blessed with staying with Mirjana and having special one on one time with her! Profound healing and even deliverance was experienced! This pilgrimage included many special feast days – including the Feast of the Visitation –
as well as the Solemnities and Feasts of the Ascension, Pentecost and the Feast of Mary – the Mother of the Church!
This is my favorite time of the year to go – as I always feel like we’re being invited to visit Mary in the place of her Visitation – on this Feast when she comes to visit us – carrying Jesus within herself. This has incredible significance!…it was during these dates in 2017 that Mother Mary appeared to me and when she gave my husband, who was dying, a life-sustaining miracle!
SEE DETAILS AND FLYER HERE http://mircenter.com/registration.html
† Round-trip airfare from your hometown
† Airport Taxes and Fuel Surcharges
† accommodation
† Breakfast and Dinner daily
† Transfers as per itinerary
† Transportation by air-conditioned motor coach
† Headsets where needed
† Assistance of a professional local Catholic Guide(s)
† Visits to Siroki Brieg, Tihaljina and Surmanci
† Meeting with Visionaries (pending availability)
† Visit to Community Cenacolo
† Sightseeing and admissions fees as per itinerary
† Mass daily & Spiritual activities
† Luggage handling (1 peace per person)
† Flight bag & Portfolio of all travel documentsSample Day by Day Itinerary:
Day 1, Fri, Oct 14: Depart for Medjugorje
Make your way to your local airport, where you will board your overnight flight. Your meals will be served on boardDay 2, Tue, Oct 15: Arrive Medjugorje
Upon arrival in Europe, change gates to board your short connection flight to either: Dubrovnik, Split, or Sarajevo airport. Upon
arrival, collect your luggage in the baggage claim area, and continue to the arrival’s hall, where you will be greeted by a tour guide
and/or driver, who will take you on the 2.5-hour drive to the village of Medjugorje. Enjoy dinner before retiring for the evening.Days 3 – 9, Wed, – Sat, Oct 16 – Oct 22: Experiencing Medjugorje
The most beautiful features of Medjugorje are its simplicity and peace. While in Medjugorje, you may experience your faith grow,
and share in the faith journey of pilgrims from all over the world. A local guide will accompany your group throughout your stay in
the village.
Some activities that will accompany you in your spiritual journey:
Attend Daily Mass: Each morning at 10:00 AM, your group will assemble at St. James Church for Mass (English-Speaking). At the end
of each Mass, regardless of language, there is a blessing of religious articles pilgrims can attend.
On Feast Days and Sundays: English Mass is at noon.
Climb Apparition Hill: This mountainous hill is where the visionaries first encountered Our Lady. At the base of this hill is a Blue
Cross, where Our Lady appeared to the children while they hid from the communist police in the early days of the alleged
apparitions. While climbing, pilgrims are invited to recite the Rosary, pausing five times for each decade of the Rosary. At the top of
the hill is the exact location of the first alleged apparition of Our Lady – enjoy private time for prayer in this Holy place.
Climb Mt. Krizevac (Cross Mountain): In 1933, the villagers built a 30-foot high cross atop the mountain to commemorate Jesus’
passion and death on the cross. You will have the opportunity to climb this mountain and venerate that very cross. While climbing,
pilgrims pray the Stations of the Cross to meditate on Jesus’ suffering Road to Calvary, pausing fifteen times for each Station.
Apparitions: Each evening at 5 PM or 6 PM (depending on daylight savings time), your group will join the villagers and fellow pilgrims
of Medjugorje in saying the Rosary, as all anxiously await the alleged arrival of Our Lady to the visionaries. Following the apparition,
at 6:40, feel free to stay at St. James Church and attend the Croatian Mass. Following the Croatian Mass, there is a Blessing of the
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Our Lady has always called us to be close to her Son. In response to her call, pilgrims will have
the opportunity to adore the Blessed Sacrament at the altar outside of St. James Church. Adoration is on Tuesdays and Saturdays;
Veneration of the Cross is on Fridays inside the church. Additionally, there is an Adoration Chapel on the grounds of St. James
Church, where Adoration is held in the afternoon hours.
Meetings with the Visionaries: Pending their availability, your guide will arrange meetings with the visionaries at their homes.
Visit the Community of Cenacolo: Pilgrims will have the opportunity to visit the community of Cenacolo, founded by the Sisters of
Charity, for young men and women who have taken the wrong path and are on the road to recovery. You will be able to listen to
their inspirational words about their journeys back to Jesus Christ.
Prayer at the Statue of the Risen Christ: The bronze statue of the Risen Christ, located on the grounds of St. James Church. Many
pilgrims sit and pray on the benches surrounding this peaceful statue. This statue miraculously seeps droplets of water at all times of
the day out of Christ’s right knee.Day 10, Sun, Oct 23: Medjugorje – Home
After an early breakfast and heartfelt farewells, we leave by motor coach for Dubrovnik Airport (Split or Sarajevo) for our return
flight(s) home.

Why go to Medjugorje?

"This place [Medjugorje] is wide open with God's Divine Mercy. And you see the peace. And the peace that you see is the Blessed Mother's presence... She is present... Please come here. This is where you’ll experience the two most critical pieces of the culmination of salvation history. Again, I don’t think we have any idea, at all, the time we are living in and the importance of what is happening and what God and Mary are doing right here.” Father Chris Alar, MIC

Medjugorje is a village where tens of millions have visited since 1981 – where it has been reported consistently and undeniably and unimaginably, for nearly 42 years, that Mary, the Mother of Jesus has been coming to earth every day to bring people back to her Son – through conversion and prayer. The graces coming down from heaven upon souls who come to this place cause many to refer to it as “Heaven on earth!” And St. John Paul II praised it often, even calling it: “The Spiritual Heart of the World.”
Pope Benedict XVI established a Vatican Commission, headed by Cardinal Ruini, which studied the alleged apparitions of Mary at Medjugorje for 4 years, from 2010-2014. This study reportedly voted overwhelmingly to recognize as supernatural the first seven appearances of Mary in 1981.
Pope Francis commented on the study, saying:
“The ‘real core’ of the commission’s report is ‘the spiritual fact, the pastoral fact’ that thousands of pilgrims go to Medjugorje and are converted. ‘For this there is no magic wand; this spiritual-pastoral fact cannot be denied.'” First Medjugorje Apparitions were Real Vatican commission Reportedly Found
POPE FRANCIS HAS AUTHORIZED DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGES giving the directive on May 12, 2019 “Pilgrimages to Medjugorje…can now be officially organized by dioceses and parishes…”
Pope Francis has even sent his own representative to live in Medjugorje. His first Apostolic Visitor, Archbishop Hoser, spoke these words about Medjugorje:
- “The power of grace that is felt here, the power of God’s words here proclaimed, make us witness to many radical transformations that are happening here. Medjugorje has become the confessional of the world.”
- “A diocesan trip to Medjugorje would be] a pilgrimage of spiritual transformation, conversion and consolidation of faith – because all these elements are realized there.”
“Here in Medjugorje, we are at the Wedding Feast of Cana and Our Blessed Mother, Queen of Peace, is saying: “Son, they have no wine”. And He gives us Medjugorje and he gives us the geyser of mercy that bursts forth out of Medjugorje where conversions take place and peace issues forth.” Brother Jason Lewis, MIC
Countless people testify to the graces that flow in Medjugorje – many calling it the place where heaven meets earth. A place where a river of grace flows and the tree of life bears fruit each month (in the monthly messages of Our Lady) as the one described in Revelation 22:
“the angel showed me the river of life-giving water, sparkling like crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb down the middle of its street. On either side of the river grew the tree of life that produces fruit twelve times a year, once each month; the leaves of the trees serve as medicine for the nations.”
Sister Briege McKenna, an Irish nun with a worldwide healing ministry for priests gave a prophesy of Medjugorje about a month before the reported apparitions began (while in Rome as a part of the worldwide Charismatic conference that John Paul II had held). When asked to pray about this area of the world, she saw:
“a white church with two steeples … with the body of the church packed with young people. And from behind [the priest] on the altar there were streams of water, like rivers flowing, and the young people were cupping it and drinking it, and after they would drink it they would go out and bring others in.”
Bishop Hnilica says further: “No one can deny, even if some try, that the spiritual Movement of the Queen of Peace is a living part of the Church, born of a spirit of prayer, not of human initiative. This river of light, life, peace and love for the Mother of God has generated prayer groups everywhere, inspired conversions, and continues to heal and comfort the hearts of all Christians who have found in the simplicity of the message of the Queen of Peace an authentic direction to rediscover the Gospel and return to the heart of the Church…
Unfortunately, since the message of Medjugorje, just like Fatima’s, speaks of peace and conversion, the path of the Church is not an easy one, sharing the same fate of the prophets: many conversions but also much persecution…”
In 1987 Marija, the visionary, was asked this question by a French theologian: “Why do I have to come to Medjugorje as Our Lady is everywhere where we pray to Her?”
Marija’s answer was simple:
“In Medjugorje Our Lady gives SPECIAL GRACES.”

Medjugorje is known as the Fortress against Satan

Medjugorje has been spoken of as “the heel of Mary.” This imagery reminds us of the great prophecy God spoke regarding the woman who would crush the head of Satan. Saying to Adam and Eve in the garden:
“I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.” (Gen 3:15).
Fr. Gabriel Amorth was the Chief Exorcist of Rome for 20 years before his death, casting out demons in the often unseen battle of Good vs. Evil. His experience at combating the father of lies, makes his understanding of Medjugorje as “a great fortress against Satan” particularly compelling. I believe we must carefully reflect on Father’s words. And perhaps consider more deeply the reports of grace God has given for over more than 42 years! Father says further:
“In the Old Testament God sent prophets to warn of the betrayals of the Jewish people. Now, here, to warn of the betrayal of the Christian people, also the priests, God sends us His Mother! It has been 30 years! Is it possible that people still do not hear? And as for those people who believe themselves to be intelligent by saying they wait until the Church approves? They are fools!”
In an interview with Radio Maria, Fr. Amorth was speaking in light of a reported message of Our Lady given on August 25, 2011, saying:
“How bitter, how bitter was the last message of Our Lady of Medjugorje, on August 25, [in which she said]:
‘Many have responded, but there is an enormous number of those who do not want to hear or accept my call.’
Now look here; it is very sour, this balance. After more than thirty years! More than thirty years! Now if it is the pagans who don’t listen to Our Lady’s words, then that I can understand. But be you a Christian, it is not forgivable. Be you a Christian! Even priests and bishops don’t even want to hear about it. It is not that they went there and then made their decision fairly after seeing things for themselves, no! They don’t even want to hear it being spoken about!”
Father shared further in his writings, that the Queen of Peace of Medjugorje and the apparitions are “a massive work of catechesis”, which directs us, every day, to the ways to win the battle against evil. He said:
“God has given us Mary as the last chance to save humanity.”
“Jesus tells us how to judge whether something is good or evil. He tells us: A good tree does not bear rotten fruit, nor does a rotten tree bear good fruit. For every tree is known by its own fruit. (Luke 6:43)”
Regarding the fruits, Father Amorth proclaims:
“The Gospel is so clear, it tells us how to discern! By the fruits you will know the tree! It has been 30 years … [and] Medjugorje has given us fruits that are ultimately exquisite! Confession, conversion, vocations, graces of every kind! For more than 30 years!”
Read more here, which includes links to dozens of extraordinary miracles:
Innumerable Reasons the Chief Exorcist of Rome proclaims Medjugorje “A Fortress Against Satan”
“To go on pilgrimage really means to step out of oneself in order to encounter God where he has revealed himself, where his grace has shone with particular splendor and produced rich fruits of conversion and holiness among those who believe.”
– Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI
The Vatican Declares Medjugorje
A Place of Official Pilgrimage

The Holy Father sent Archbishop Henryk Hoser to study the spirituality of Medjugorje for several months in 2017 as his official Papal Envoy. In 2018, the Holy Father sent the Archbishop back to live indefinitely in Medjugorje as the official Papal Visitor of the Holy Father, and as a symbol of the Pope’s presence – as of July 2018 – the papal flag has been flying in Medjugorje outside St. James Church.
Medjugorje— May 13, 2019
Pope Francis has authorized officially organized pilgrimages to Medjugorje.This was announced during Mass on May 12, by Archbishop Henryk Hoser, in the presence of the Apostolic Nuncio for Bosnia-Herzegovina, Luigi Pezzuto. The apparitions have been taking place daily since June 1981 when the Virgin Mary, who calls herself the Queen of Peace, allegedly began appearing to six children. Three of visionaries still claim see the Mary every day: Marija who lives in Monza, Italy; Vicka who lives close to Medjugorje; and Ivan who lives in the United States and Medjugorje. (https://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope/news/2019-05/medjugorje-the-marian-faith-and-the-decision-of-the-pastor.html)
Here are some statements the Archbishop has given:
“Archbishop Henryk Hoser determined, after months of observing [Medjugorje] first-hand, [that its] message “can be put at the same level as that delivered in the French city of Lourdes and the Portuguese city of Fatima” (according to a report in Crux Now.) [Even calling Medjugorje] “the spiritual lungs of Europe.”
One must take this all in: Medjugorje has not just a pastor overseeing it, not just a shrine rector, but now its own archbishop, which may be without precedent in major apparitions…
“With regard to the international phenomenology, they are very similar,” Archbishop Hoser said: “These are certainly the three greatest pilgrimage sites. The power of grace that is felt here, the power of God’s words here proclaimed, make us witness to many radical transformations that are happening here. Medjugorje has become the confessional of the world.” There is a difference between Archbishop Hoser and many skeptics: he actually went there.” spiritdailyblog.com/news/a-new-trend-in-apparitions
Archbishop Hoser further attests:
- “Devotion of Medjugorje is allowed. It’s not prohibited, and need not be done in secret.”
- Medjugorje is a “phenomenon”, a “movement [that] will not stop and should not be stopped”, saying it is “one of the most living places of prayer and conversion in Europe – with a healthy spirituality. ”
- “…All indications are that the revelations will be recognized… Specifically, I think it is possible to recognize the authenticity of the first apparitions as proposed by the cardinal commission. Ruini. Besides, it is difficult to get another verdict, because it is difficult to believe that six seers will lie for 36 years. What they say is consistent. There are no people haunted or mentally disturbed. The powerful argument for the authenticity of the apparitions is Faithfulness to the doctrine of the Church. If the revelations, and at least the first seven, will be recognized, this will be a tremendous stimulus for Medjugorje.”
- “Today, dioceses and other institutions can organize official pilgrimages.”
“[A diocesan trip to Medjugorje would be] a pilgrimage of spiritual transformation, conversion and consolidation of faith – because all these elements are realized there.”
- “There is a massive number of confessions. They have about 50 confessionals, which are not enough. These are very deep confessions.”
To read more, see:
What is the Holy Father’s Mission In Medjugorje?
Do the Papal Envoy’s Words Mean Vatican Approval for Medjugorje is Near?
Great Free Resources We Provide
” In Sinu Jesu is a beautiful and powerful work saturated with the kind of contagious love and holiness that can only come from reclining–like His beloved disciple–upon Christ’s breast, hearing Him whisper words of consolation and encouragement for us all. Its pages breathe a Johannine spirituality that welcomes also the Blessed Mother into our homes and hearts, drawing us toward more intimate, joyous union with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”
— KEVIN VOST, Psy.D., author of The Porch and the Cross
Total Consecration Materials
Wisdom of Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen
Mary has chosen Archbishop Fulton Sheen as an intercessor for this ministry and as an example and hope of what the priesthood can be when we place ourselves completely in the Hands of God through the heart of His Mother. He is arguably the most persuasive and effective American Catholic evangelist who ever lived. For decades 30 million people watched or listened to him weekly and he would regularly receive letters from tens of thousands of people each week. He always attributed the effectiveness of his preaching to his daily holy hour of prayer in front of the Blessed Sacrament, where he would write every sermon and every teaching he ever gave.
He also often shared his love of Mary – having consecrated himself and his priesthood to her early in his life. Although the apparitions of Medjugorje hadn’t yet taken place in his lifetime, his life exemplifies Mary’s messages and her desire for a strong and holy priesthood. He also loved Marian pilgrimages – about which he often shared incredible and miraculous graces that occurred during his 40 pilgrimages to Lourdes and his two pilgrimages to Fatima.
He said he could think of no greater way to spend the last years of his life than by giving retreats to priests – trying to instill in them deep holiness through total consecration to God through Mary and the daily practice of a holy hour.
He encouraged his fellow priests to never, ever miss their daily holy hour – saying it was the source of all grace and effectiveness in priesthood. The Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen wrote a wonderful chapter in his autobiography, entitled The Hour that Made My Day that has inspired many, including a priest who wrote that it was the most influential chapter he ever read in his life. See below to read it in full:
Free First Mass Card of Venerable Fulton J. Sheen
Retreat on a
Daily Holy Hour
Fulton Sheen
for Free Pilgrimage and Resources
Upcoming Pilgrimages and Retreats:
While our main goal is to bring priests to experience the presence of Mary and the abundance of grace that is pouring out in Medjugorje, we also want to share upcoming retreats that are dear to Mary’s heart, which she has already inspired to be a part of this Apostolate, such as: In Sinu Jesu, Total Consecration, and Unbound Retreats, which lead to the healing of the whole person through being drawn in the Heart of the Father.
Here is information:
UNBOUND – Catholic Priest Retreat
Ministry Training for Catholic Priests
“The Church is a field hospital.”
To more fully make our parishes a place where people find healing, priests need to be equipped to guide people into the transformation that Christ offers. One such powerful tool is the UNBOUND model of deliverance.
For more information and to register visit heartofthefather.com/priestretreat or call 610-952-3019.
What if you could reach out and touch God’s love, and never be the same? … EVERYONE IS FIGHTING AN INVISIBLE BATTLE… •negative thoughts, secret sins and unhealthy relationships •destructive habits, idols and false identities •res … Read More
Mary, as a mother, longs to bring all her children to deep healing of mind, body and spirit by being drawn into the heart of the Father – through receiving His forgiveness and mercy and an ever greater understanding of the greatness of our dignity and destiny in His plan.
The Unbound Ministry is an invaluable tool for achieving this deep inner healing and sharing it with those whom God has entrusted to our care.