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Become an Apostle of Mary's Love
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Become an Apostle of Mary's Love
Join us as Mary's Apostles of Love!
Mary frequently calls us "Apostles of Her Love" in her messages - particularly asking us to live her messages in order that God's plans for our salvation may be fulfilled, which include praying unceasingly for our shepherds...
So, please consider responding to Mary's call - both priests and laity - and become one of Mary's apostles of love - striving to fulfill the following 5 steps Mary is calling us to embrace.
1. Live Our Mother's Messages
"...I want you to comprehend that
God has chosen each one of you,
in order to use you in His great plan
for the salvation of mankind.
You are not able to comprehend
how great your role is in God's design.
Therefore, dear children,
pray so that in prayer you may be able to comprehend what God's plan is in your regard.
I am with you in order that you may be able to bring it about in all its fullness. ..."
January 25, 1987
Choose to Live Daily Mary's Calls
Mary asks us to live in the following manner, but she doesn’t expect us to get there all at once. The visionaries said that she is the most patient of mothers and she asked them to begin to pray a little at a time. If you’re never prayed before, commit to 10 minutes every morning and night. If you’ve never prayed the rosary, start with one decade… The point is to begin to pray.
If there is one constant theme throughout our Mother’s messages, it is to pray. Begin and make sure you are making progress towards the following goals. Our Mother counsels us almost in every message for years to pray for our shepherds, while saying:
“Pray, Pray, Pray! Pray until it becomes a joy for you!”
“Prayer is the only way to save the human race…” July 30, 1987
May we take these great weapons Mary gives us in her messages to heart, striving to live them ever more fully each day:
1. Pray Scripture Daily. — Pray over and meditate on the daily Mass readings, and/or choose other passages each day in which to be fed.
“My children, read the book of the Gospel. It is always something new, it is what binds you to my Son who was born to bring the words of life to all of my children and to sacrifice Himself for all. Apostles of my love, carried by the love for my Son, bring love and peace to all of your brothers...” Queen of Peace, November 2, 2019
“Begin reading every Thursday chapters 13-17 of the Gospel of St. John. Nourish your soul on this reading…” In Sinu Jesu, January 17, 2008
I want My priests to approach the Scriptures in this way: seeking Me and yearning for the grace of My divine friendship, a grace that can be deepened at every moment, a grace that I never tire of giving in greater measure.” In Sinu Jesu, January 24, 2008
The Holy Word of God is not merely a book! The Divine Person Who brought the entire universe into existence still speaks, teaches, heals and guides us to all Truth if we listen to His Word: “When I found your words I devoured them; your words were my joy, the happiness of my heart!” (Jer. 15:16).
2. Pray the Rosary Daily. — Strive to pray the complete rosary – praying all 4 sets of mysteries each day.
“The Most Holy Virgin in these last times in which we live has given a new efficacy to the recitation of the Rosary to such an extent that there is no problem, no matter how difficult it is, whether temporal or above all spiritual, in the personal life of each one of us, of our families…that cannot be solved by the Rosary.” – Sister Lucia dos Santos, Fatima seer
The Rosary is such a beautiful prayer! No other prayer is like it, for in it we daily meditate on Jesus’ entire life (!) – from the Incarnation, life and death, Resurrection and Ascension, to the outpouring of His Spirit and the raising to heavenly glory of Mary, (who goes before us in glory). How deeply we fall in love with Christ when we are led to Him and see Him through the eyes and the heart of His Mother! She aids us with her prayers, so that we are able to: “treasure all these things and ponder them in our hearts” (see Lk 2: 19).
3. Live the Eucharist Fully. — Prepare, Celebrate, and Live the Holy Mass daily
– so your life becomes a life of sacrifice, thanksgiving, union and adoration of God. Adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament by making a Holy Hour Each Day.
“Be still before My Face, so few … know how to rest, like St. John, upon My Heart. My Heart is full of words of light and love and comfort for My priests. How I long to converse with the priests whom I have chosen as the friends of My Heart! Speak to My priests of the gift of divine friendship that I hold in reserve for each of them. This is the secret of priestly holiness: a life of friendship with Me, a “yes” renewed each day to the gift of divine friendship that I offer each priest in My Word and in the Sacrament and Sacrifice of My Body and Blood.” In Sinu Jesu, January 17, 2008
To fulfill His promise to be with us until the end of time, Jesus gave His very self in the Eucharist to feed and nourish us for the journey unto eternal life – “For My Body is true food and my Blood is true drink….anyone who eats this bread will live forever! (Jn 6:55, 51, 58). Jesus died to give us this ability to be united to Him body and soul – and to remain with us always! How wonderful to live in union with so great a Gift?! May we unite ourselves deeply to the Eternal Sacrament of God’s Love.
4. Go to Confession at least Once a Month.
If you are a priest, preach the necessity of confession often and make confessions readily available each day.
“Dear children! Today, in a special way, I invite you to take the cross in the hands and to meditate on the wounds of Jesus. Ask of Jesus to heal your wounds, which you, dear children, during your life sustained because of your sins or the sins of your parents. Only in this way, dear children, you will understand that the world is in need of healing of faith in God the Creator. By Jesus’ passion and death on the cross, you will understand that only through prayer you, too, can become true apostles of faith; when, in simplicity and prayer, you live faith which is a gift. Thank you for having responded to my call.” Queen of Peace, March 25, 1997
Each time we repent and go to Confession, we become more humble, more aware of God’s mercy! Through the priest in confession, Jesus, HIMSELF, speaks words of infinite power, healing and forgiveness. He strengthens and challenges us by His Mercy, saying: “Neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more!” (Jn. 8:11).
5. Fast Twice a Week. The best fast is on bread and water if you’re healthy.
Mary tells us to pray and the Spirit will instruct us how each of us needs to fast (particularly from sin and what keeps us from prayer).
Beside our wills being strengthened through denial, (so that we are not tossed here and there by our bodily wants and emotions), Jesus told his disciples that “certain demons can only be cast out by prayer and fasting” (Mk 9:29; Mt. 17: 21). How difficult it is to fast! And yet, how vital it is if we are to be able to cast out these demons that seek to destroy us! May we strive to fast on bread and water; but most importantly, let us fast from our sins, which weaken us and make us susceptible to the Enemy’s snares.
Knowing firsthand the darkness of the times, let us be ever more vigilant in fulfilling the messages Mary brings us from heaven, because Satan never sleeps, but is always “prowling like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour” (1 Pet 5:8) as he attempts to strip away our religious freedoms and our faith in God! How furious Satan must be at losing the battle in Medjugorje!
Confidently, therefore, let us hold fast to God’s Word with peace and joy, for He tells us: “Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but mine, says the Lord” (2 Chron. 20:15).
2. Live Lives of Total Consecration
Fulton Sheen recommended all priests reconsecrate themselves as victims and priests on the altar during every mass - saying along with Christ:
"This is my body... This is my blood"
in union with Jesus' offering to the Father. To die to oneself on the Paten and in the chalice, saying,
"It's no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me."
“..Today also I call each one of you to decide to surrender again everything completely to me. Only that way will I be able to present each of you to God. Dear children, you know that I love you immeasurably and that I desire each of you for myself, but God has given to all a freedom which I lovingly respect and humbly submit to. I desire, dear children, that you help so that everything God has planned … shall be realized. If you do not pray, you shall not be able to recognize my love and the plans which God has… Pray that Satan does not entice you with his pride and deceptive strength. I am with you and I want you to believe me, that I love you. …” Our Lady, Queen of Peace, November 25, 1987
“Say yes to Me. ..Tell me that you desire what I desire for your life and nothing else. This will Me the freedom to sanctify you wholly – body, mind, and spirit. This will allow Me to fashion you to wound you into a living representation of Myself before My Father, and in the midst of the Church…. I desire that you who belong to Me should shine with uncreated light. This will display My holiness in you…I have chosen to communicate My light to your soul by making it pass through the pure and sinless Heart and hands of My Immaculate Mother. The more you turn to her, the more you remain confident and childlike beneath her gaze of maternal love, the more will you be changed from one degree of glory to another. This is My Mother’s work in the souls of priests, and the work of the Holly Spirit who touches souls by means of her hands.” In Sinu Jesu, May 29, 2208
3. Join or Form Prayer Groups and Cenacles
Pray and Sacrifice daily for Our Blessed Mother's Intentions: for Peace, for Our Shepherds and for her Triumph to come soon!
Did you know? Prayer Groups are More Powerful
than a Nuclear Power Plant?!
In this time of grave sin
and the ever increasing persecution and martyrdom of Christians …
and as record numbers of Catholic Churches throughout the world are being destroyed or
Our Blessed Mother has given us a most powerful weapon!“Dear children, renew prayer in your families and form prayer groups. In this way, you will experience joy in prayer and communion. All those who pray and are members of prayer groups are open to God’s will in their hearts and joyfully witness God’s love.” (Sept 25, 2000)
“Prayer groups are powerful, and through them I can see that the Holy Spirit is at work in the world.” (June 25, 2004)
Even saying that when we pray together for her intentions – united in humility, that “is more powerful than a nuclear power plant.” (Message to the prayer group)
Sister Emmanuel, of the Community of the Beatitudes, has lived in Medjugorje for several decades. She wrote last year, when attacks against churches in France began to rise. These attacks now have infiltrated America, as we are now seeing our religious images and churches being physically attacked and destroyed almost on a daily basis:
“If these groups are humble and fervent, they form a vital organ for the body of the Church. Invisible to the enemy, because of their humility, they draw down great blessings on the world. From the earliest years of the apparitions, Our Lady has been willing to create her own prayer group in Medjugorje, whom she led for 7 years. An exceptional event in the History of the Church!
She also asked that a chapel of perpetual adoration be opened in each parish. According to some shocking statistics, the Catholic Church is the most persecuted religious organization in the world today, This is why we have to seize the right weapons, those given by Our Lady for the past 38 years, and start defeating the enemy!” …
How has it come to this where our churches -sometimes several centuries old – have ended up in flames one after the other? The time has come for us to strive to build our cathedrals in our own hearts, to make our hearts “tabernacles of the Living God” where no enemy can penetrate and where only the fire of the Spirit can take hold, and burn out of love! May these “little homes of fervor”, as Venerable Martha Robin called them, grow in number and in quality all over the world to ward off the assaults of the enemy, and together with Mary, prepare the second coming of our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ!”
4. Be An Apostle by Sharing Mary's Ministry
Please share this website, articles, books and resources with your parish priests or fellow priests.
Invite all priests to join us on pilgrimage.
Also, consider hosting gatherings to pray for Mary's intentions and to share about the mission:
It isn't without reason she has come to us as the Queen of Peace in these times of trial - for she alone was able to stand in peace at the foot of the Cross.
She teaches us in Medjugorje (through her school of prayer) - how we likewise can stand fast at the Cross. Even if all the gates of hell have been let loose intending to crucify us, she helps us stand firm - for she assures us God is with us and he has already conquered sin and death; and that she will stand by us throughout our greatest trials just as she did with her Most Beloved Son!
“Dear children! Today I invite you to become missionaries of my messages, which I am giving here through this place that is dear to me. God has allowed me to stay this long with you and therefore, little children, I invite you to live with love the messages I give and to transmit them to the whole world, so that a river of love flows to people who are full of hatred and without peace. I invite you, little children, to become peace where there is no peace and light where there is darkness, so that each heart accepts the light and the way of salvation. Thank you for having responded to my call.” Feb. 25, 1995