In this time of grave sin
and the ever increasing persecution and martyrdom of Christians …
and as record numbers of Catholic Churches throughout the world are being destroyed or defamed…
Our Blessed Mother has given us a most powerful weapon!
I want to share with you thoughts written by Sister Emmanuel – she is a sister of the Beatitudes who has lived in Medjugorje for decades.
These thoughts are taken from her monthly email newsletter. Sign up here to receive them:
A Nuclear power plant? In this time of grace
and mercy coupled with very difficult struggles, the Blessed Mother has
given us a very important message, which may go unnoticed. It concerns
the formation of prayer groups, which will more and more constitute the
backbone of the Church of tomorrow.

renew prayer in your families and form prayer groups. In this way, you
will experience joy in prayer and communion. All those who pray and are
members of prayer groups are open to God’s will in their hearts and
joyfully witness God’s love.” (Sept 25, 2000)
than ever, these small prayer groups that are cropping up here and
there as fruits of Medjugorje (and from other good works of the Church)
are important, provided of course that they unite hearts. Our lady
strongly emphasizes unity among the members of a group, for then, she
says, such a group “is more powerful than a nuclear power plant.” (Message
to the prayer group) If these groups are humble and fervent, they form a
vital organ for the body of the Church. Invisible to the enemy, because
of their humility, they draw down great blessings on the world. From
the earliest years of the apparitions,
Lady has been willing to create her own prayer group in Medjugorje,
whom she led for 7 years. An exceptional event in the History of the
to some shocking statistics, the Catholic Church is the most persecuted
religious organization in the world today, This is why we have to seize
the right weapons, those given by Our Lady for the past 38 years, and
start defeating the enemy! Speaking of France, my homeland, every
single day, churches are robbed, hosts are stolen, crosses are broken,
statues are knocked over and insulting graffiti is sprayed on the

-sometimes several centuries old – have ended up in flames one after the
other? The time has come for us to strive to build our cathedrals in
our own hearts, to make our hearts “tabernacles of the Living God” where
no enemy can penetrate and where only the fire of the Spirit can take
hold, and burn out of love! May these “little homes of fervor”, as
Venerable Martha Robin called them, grow in number and in quality all
over the world to ward off the assaults of the enemy, and together with
Mary, prepare the second coming of our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ!