Thy Will be done!
Thy Will be done!
Thy Will be done!

The words of this beautiful song, echoing Your perfect prayer kept floating through my thoughts in adoration this morning (really for the past few weeks).

Instead of pushing them aside so I could pray… 🙂

I entered into them today.

I grabbed my rosary beads and allowed this most beautiful prayer to continue … as the beads passed through my fingers… considering…

You, O God, Who in Your tremendous Mercy and because of Your most Holy Will stand before me and remain with us unto the end of time…

Your Will is infinitely better and more perfect than what I could ever ask for or imagine for myself and for those God has placed in my heart to pray for….

I saw Him in prayer look upon each of us with infinite love, compassion and tenderness..
And I understood in my will that He is alive, His Heart beating in front of me and He desires to pour out every grace and blessing upon me and upon the world…
But so many graces are never asked for as so many (including myself, too many times) have treated Him as a dead object instead of Our God, Who is Alive, Who is our Father, our Savior and our Advocate
and I began to intercede….

All those I love came to mind,  and I prayed…

Thy Will be done…
Thy Will be done….
Thy Will be done as an image of each of my children passed before my mind,
Thy Will be done for my husband,
Thy Will be done…
for my parents and siblings and all my family…
Thy Will be done for my in-laws …
Thy Will be done for my god-children,
my friends,
my priests,
all whom I pray for and all who it is in God’s Will that I go as a messenger ahead of Him…
Thy Will be done….
Thy Will be done…
Thy Will be done for all who have blessed me!

….and as I lifted each person up to God’s most holy and perfect will — I knew His Holy Will is to save them, to bless them, to protect them, to guide them into His Sacred Heart, which is the source of unfathomable grace!
It is His Will to strengthen them as they carry their crosses…
It is His Will to fill them with the Spirit… and with every good gift!!!

Thy Will be done!
Thy Will be done!
Thy Will be done!

All those who have died came to mind — those whom I’ve known — friends and family…
and those whom I don’t know….
I saw the images from the news and Facebook posts of people come to mind
I prayed for those who died “untimely” deaths,
those who died as a result of tragedy,  of natural disasters, of horrific events of injustice…. of hatred and violence and terrorism…
And as each person passed through my mind I prayed,

God’s will be done, which is the same as asking for mercy and healing and wholeness and the graces necessary to be in the arms of God for eternity.
God’s will be done!
God’s will be done!

All the perpetrators of hatred and violence came to my mind…
those so lost and deceived by sin…
for all the injustices that are so prevalent in our time —
Knowing that You came to save, Your will is for everyone’s salvation and so Your will is to also give them all that is necessary for their repentance and healing and wholeness.
Yet, also knowing Your Will is also perfect Justice!
For in the Cross alone is perfect Justice won by Your sacrifice as well as perfect Mercy….
Sin can never be belittled or its consequences ignored…

Thy will be done!
Thy Will be done!
Thy Will be done!

Images of aborted babies and each of their precious lives who did not die in vain, for
God’s Will be done!
God’s Will be done!
God’s Will be done!

For their mothers and fathers and families… many of whom were forced into this decision or who have been so greatly deceived…

Thy Will be done!
Thy Will be done!
Thy Will be done!

The sick, the suffering, the homeless, the starving, those alone Whom only You know…

Thy Will be done!
Thy Will be done!
Thy Will be done!

Our country and all countries of the world
For the future of humanity –whose only sure path is in God’s Will…

Thy Will be done!
Thy Will be done!
Thy Will be done!

For myself and my family,
that God is able to use us according to His glory and honor and for the purpose He destined for us…

Thy Will be done!
Thy Will be done!
Thy Will be done!

For the plans that we have made,
the calls God has placed on our lives,
the difficulties and the discouragements…
and the Crosses…

Thy Will be done!
Thy Will be done!
Thy Will be done!

For the Pope and all priests and religious — in thanksgiving for their lives and begging God’s Will be done in their hearts, in their minds, in their actions — so that will remain faithful and so give to us our DAILY BREAD in the Eucharist
         Forgiveness in Confession,
                 Adoption as Children of God, the grace to be Temples of the Holy Spirit and became new               creations in Baptism,
                           Strength and Courage to be soldiers of You in Confirmations
                                   Grace to be made One Body bringing sanctity, love and life in Marriage
                                             Eternal grace in sickness and in death in the Anointing of the Sick
EVERY GRACE & BLESSING IN THE MASS which we can only enter into through the Priesthood

Thy Will be done!
Thy Will be done!
Thy Will be done!

In this time of great Mercy, in this time of Extraordinary Grace before the time of Justice….

Thy Will be done!
Thy Will be done!
Thy Will be done!

For all who read this…
for all mothers and fathers and grandparents and children,
for those alone in this world and those most in need… for all who will die this day…

Thy Will be done!
Thy Will be done!
Thy Will be done!

To pray for God’s Will is to Trust Him completely!
To abandon ourselves, our situations and the world to Him!
To be humble…
To beg for an ocean of Mercy to come all people, praying for all to be saved!

Thy Will be done in me and in all Your Children!
So be it!

© 2016. Janet Moore. All Rights Reserved.

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