Besides Holy Mass, Communion and Adoration, it is hard to think of something that has been more powerful or that has drawn me closer to God, than drawing near to my sorrowing Mother – contemplating her sorrow brings Our Lord’s sacrifice to the front of my mind and heart in a way that looking at Him alone never does.
For it was for relationship that Jesus came.
He came so that we could be united with Him (be in relationship with Him) –
both now and forever in heaven –
and so, it is only in relationship –
especially the relationship that He had we his mother –
that we can truly see
the depth of agony,
and glory of the Cross!
No one was closer to Jesus throughout their lives.
No one knew Him better.
No one loved Him or was more devoted to Him.
No one understood Him more,
nor experienced His suffering like she did,
as she stood witness to his horrendous and incomprehensible suffering
as Mother,
as Disciple and
as the First One saved through His horrific death.
I’ve never prayed this litany before….
I just prayed it for the first time and found it to be very moving and profound, so I wanted to share it with you.
One of the titles for Mary listed in the litany was:
Terror of the Treacherous!
Wow! The Cross is always united with Power!
And, it is awesome to contemplate the power bestowed on her by God to crush the head of Satan!
For though it appears to those not of God that all is lost…
May we never forget the power of the Cross,
for it is the very wisdom and the power of God!
Nor forget how near Our dear Savior, Jesus and our Blessed Mother are to us and to all who are crushed and brokenhearted – continuously transforming what evil has meant for our harm into great goodness, salvation and glory!
So let us always rejoice and give all Glory to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! Now and forever. Amen!
May this litany be a gift to you, as it was for me:
R. Christ, have mercy on us.
V. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us.
R. Christ, graciously hear us.
God, the Father of heaven, have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.
Holy Virgin of virgins, pray for us.
Mother of the Crucified, [etc.]
Sorrowful Mother
Mournful Mother
Sighing Mother
Afflicted Mother
Forsaken Mother
Desolate Mother
Mother most sad
Mother set around with anguish
Mother overwhelmed by grief
Mother transfixed by a sword
Mother crucified in thy heart
Mother bereaved of thy Son
Sighing Dove
Mother of Dolors
Fount of tears
Sea of bitterness
Field of tribulation
Mass of suffering
Mirror of patience
Rock of constancy
Remedy in perplexity
Joy of the afflicted
Ark of the desolate
Refuge of the abandoned
Shield of the oppressed
Conqueror of the incredulous
Solace of the wretched
Medicine of the sick
Help of the faint
Strength of the weak
Protectress of those who fight
Haven of the shipwrecked
Calmer of tempests
Companion of the sorrowful
Retreat of those who groan
Terror of the treacherous
Standard-bearer of the Martyrs
Treasure of the Faithful
Light of Confessors
Pearl of Virgins
Comfort of Widows
Joy of all Saints
Queen of thy Servants
Holy Mary, who alone art unexampled
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.