Day 5 of The 39th Anniversary Novena to Our Lady The Queen of Peace

Annual June 24th Eucharistic Procession and Peace March from Humac to Medjugorje – 13. 4 km walk
5th day: We pray for all Pilgrims who already came to Medjugorje
It is estimated that about 50 million people have come to Medjugorje – with about 3 million coming these last several years – especially with the presence of Archbishop Hoser as Apostolic Visitor. 
Out of those millions – countless lives, marriages, homes, families and parishes have been touched. 
One of my favorite posts I’ve written about Medjugorje is

Innumerable Reasons the Chief Exorcist of Rome proclaims Medjugorje “A Fortress Against Satan”

it lists some of the countless triumphs of the Immaculate Heart in the hearts and souls of the those who have come. Here’s an excerpt from that post:

“In our day and age, it often appears that evil is winning the battle –
as attacks on the family increase daily — and more and more people seem
to be losing their faith. As world gets ever darker, we can become
discouraged and overwhelmed. 

Yet, in the midst of this darkness, let us
keep in mind that conversions and healings are being reported daily from
people who have journeyed to or embraced the messages of Medjugorje! In
this article I link to dozens of miracles associated with Medjugorje (I
could have linked hundreds more).

How incredible are these miracles! And how incredibly each of these accounts of conversion, vocation and healing attest to Mary’s power over Satan and her ability to crush his plans!

And isn’t that how God changes the world? Scripture and history tell
us God doesn’t change the world in one fell swoop, but through
Look at Abraham, Moses, David, Elijah, Jesus, and the
Twelve Apostles… God seeks to transform each of us! And then, watch
with joy how we witness and become another Christ to each other through
the smallest acts of love and through our prayers! In God’s goodness,
humility and patience, He is at work changing the world, one person at a time! One person who impacts those around them – and so on and so on.

If this is how God works, how integral are we to the plan of God!
Do we take seriously Our Lady’s daily visitation to earth each day and her invitation to pray, pray, pray?
To be peace and love amid hatred and division?
To pray with our families and read Scripture daily?
To go to Confession often and live the Eucharist?
To live her messages, which lead us into ever deeper faith and closeness to God, so we will become her apostles?

How incredibly does each account of conversion, vocation and
healing attest to Mary’s power over Satan and her ability to crush his
For we must remember that Satan truly exists and his sole
desire is to destroy us… To destroy our souls, our marriages, our
children, our families, our homes, our relationships, our country… even
the entire world and universe!

Therefore, every testimony of conversion is a triumph over Satan’s snares!
Each time an addict is able to live free from drugs and alcohol, it is a tremendous victory of God!
Each marriage that is saved that was on the brink of divorce proclaims that God’s love triumphs!
Every time a person chooses to forgive, he proclaims the power of forgiveness over anger and hatred!
Each time a person chooses to go to confession, all of hell rages because a soul refuses to listen to the one “who accuses us night and day” Rev 12:10, but, instead, listens and trusts in God’s mercy!
Every time a mother and father chooses to cherish their unborn baby, all of heaven rejoices at the great triumph of life over the forces of death!
Each time a person rejects the lies of Satan and remains steadfast in faith, it is a victory!
Each time a person embraces God’s plan regarding sexuality and marriage
Each suicide that is thwarted…
Each religious vocation
Each eternal and ever-living priesthood that is embraced… is an annihilation of Satan’s plans!
And so often overlooked, each time a person prays, participates in Holy Mass or adores the Blessed Sacrament
Each time someone choose to read Scripture
Each time families pray together
Each time someone fasts
God is changing the world one soul at a time…
by changing each one of us!
And all of heaven rejoices, while the demons rage!

Is it any wonder that so many lies have been perpetrated against Medjugorje? A place where the
parish has a 3-hour program of prayer every day! Where more confessions
take place than any other place in the world! A place of untold numbers
of conversions and healings!

1. Prayer to the Queen of Peace
Mary, Mother of God and Our Mother, Queen of Peace!
You came to us to lead us to God.
Obtain for us the grace not only to say:
“Be it done to me according to Your will!”, but to live it, as You did.
Your hands we put our hands, so that You may lead us to Him amidst
these afflictions and woes. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen. 
2. Veni Creator Spiritus 
Experience adoration and the singing of Veni Sancte Spiritus in Medjugorje 

Come Holy Spirit, Creator, come

best gift of God above,

the living spring, the living fire,

sweet unction and true love.

Thou Who are called the Paraclete,

from Thy bright heavenly throne,

come, take possession of our souls,

and make them all Thine own.

Thou who are sevenfold in Thy grace,

finger of God’s right hand,

His promise, teaching little ones

to speak and understand.

O guide our minds with Thy blest light,

with love our hearts inflame;

and with Thy strength, which never decays,

confirm our mortal frame.

Far from us drive our deadly foe,

true peace unto us bring,

and through all perils lead us safe

beneath Thy sacred wing.

3. Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary
first video is a slide slow of music and images of the entire mysteries
of the Rosary found in Medjugorje. There are no words.

Texts for Meditation
Jesus said to his disciples: “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny
himself, take up his cross, and follow me. For whoever wishes to save
his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and that
of the gospel will save it. What profit is there for one to gain the
whole world and forfeit his life?
(Mk 8,34-38)

“Dear children! Today I am happy, even if in my heart there is still a
little sadness for all those who have started on this path and then have
left it. My presence here is to take you on a new path, the path to
salvation. This is why I call you, day after day to conversion. But if
you do not pray, you cannot say that you are on the way to being
converted. I pray for you and I intercede to God for peace; first peace
in your hearts and also peace around you, so that God may be your peace.
Thank you for having responded to my call.”
(Message, June 25, 1992)

Christian prayer is a covenant relationship between God and man in
Christ. It is the action of God and of man, springing forth from both
the Holy Spirit and ourselves, wholly directed to the Father, in union
with the human will of the Son of God made man.

4. The Litany of the Blessed Virgin

Concluding prayer: 
Our lives, O Lord, are in Your hands. You alone know what we need to be
saved. Thank You for teaching us this here in Medjugorje for 38 years
through Your Mother, who came to lead us on the way of salvation. Bless
and strengthen all those who have started to walk on the way of
conversion and prayer here in Medjugorje. Strengthen their faith, their
hope and their charity and never let them betray their covenant with
You. Amen.

The Medjugorje Hymn

To the Mother and Queen of Peace

Click Here for .mp3 – X

We come to you, dearest Mother,

from all quarters, from all nations;

bringing to you all our troubles

ardent wishes, aspirations.

Look upon us and console us,

lay your gentle hands upon us;

intercede with Jesus for us,

Mother of Peace, do pray for us.

All the faithful look up to you,

you the lodestar of salvation;

cleanse, embrace us, we pray to you,

bless all in the congregation.

Bijakovo, Medjugorje,

little hamlets spread the story,

bearing witness to your beauty

to your name and to your glory.

For all your love, dearest Mother

all the wonders that we have seen,

we give to you solemn promise

to be better than we have been.

Complete Novena found here:

© Updated 2020. Janet Moore 2019. All Rights Reserved. 

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