Total Consecration
Consecrating ourselves completely to Jesus through Mary is the “surest, easiest, shortest, and the most perfect means to becoming a saint.”
-St. Louis de Montfort
Consecrating ourselves completely to Jesus through Mary is the “surest, easiest, shortest, and the most perfect means to becoming a saint.”
-St. Louis de Montfort
I’ve felt called to Consecrate myself over and over again in my life and bring others to Consecration, so I’ve offered four different ways to consecration throughout these past 3 years.
They are below:
We can look to Pope St. John Paul II as our guide.
He gave himself completely to Jesus through Mary.
He recognized that by doing so was the answer to all the world’s needs –
all the needs of the Church –
and all of our individual and familial needs.
He recognized all he was –
all he was given –
all he was able to accomplish came from Jesus through Mary.
The same is true for us!
This is an incredibly powerful means of conversion, of healing and of grace that will transform you to the extent you enter into it.
I’m pulling together ideas from the following websites in order to create a 1-stop online guide to go to now through our consecration day. May it be a blessing for each of us. Mary, intercede for us and help us enter into this consecration with great love and devotion – carried by your love and grace when we fail. We ask this through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
St. Louis de Montfort prophesied that Mary will form the greatest saints the world has ever known in these latter times:
“Together with the Holy Spirit Mary produced the greatest thing that ever was or ever will be: a God-man. She will consequently produce the marvels which will be seen in the latter times. The formation and the education of the great saints who will come at the end of the world are reserved to her…” True Devotion to Mary, 35
“Modern times are dominated by Satan and will be more so in the future. The conflict with hell cannot be engaged by men, even the most clever. The Immaculata alone has from God the promise of victory over Satan. However, assumed into Heaven, the Mother of God now requires our cooperation. She seeks souls who will consecrate themselves entirely to her, who will become in her hands effective instruments for the defeat of Satan and the spreading of God’s kingdom upon earth.” St. Maximilian Kolbe
“We could say that what is truly original in St. Maximilian, compared to other forms of consecration to Mary in the Church, is precisely its missionary and universal dimension.
He founded the Militia Immaculata with a great ideal in his heart…:
“To win the whole world for Christ through the Immaculata” (Cf. KW382);
To obtain this purpose St. Maximilian considered one’s total consecration to the Immaculata the essential condition (ibid.), saying:
St. Maximilian founded the MI with a clear objective: that everyone be converted and become a saint. Whoever is consecrated to the Immaculata in the MI Movement embraces the mission of the Church to proclaim the Gospel to every person, to the ends of the earth, collaborating in Mary’s maternal care for the brethren of her Son, which continues until they are led into the happiness of their true home (LG62). …The charismatic gift he received is the spiritual insight about Mary’s maternal role in the Church and in the life of every person, and the intuition regarding the fact that this Mother urges us to collaborate in her maternal mission. (Cf. KW1220)
Jesus’ gift from the Cross is the source of the charism of the MI movement: the gift of His Mother to John which took place at the climax of the mystery of redemption. This motherhood that we received calls us to ensure that Christ is born, through the Mother, in the hearts of all men.
Let us will refer again to a text that defines beautifully the MI identity and mission:
“That is the MI: to let her into all hearts, to bring her into being within all hearts, that by entering those hearts and taking most perfect possession of them, she may there give birth to the sweet Jesus, God, and there raise Him to perfect age. What a beautiful mission! … Is that not true?… The elevation of man to God-Man, through the God-Man’s mother”(KW508).“We ought not to rely at all on ourselves. Neither should we, however, place limits on our trust in her. In every difficulty or temptation, let us have recourse to her and we shall not fail. Let us entrust all our endeavors to her and we shall surely achieve what she wants.”
Day 9: Total Consecration to the Immaculate Accord…
“Everywhere Is Love!”: Day 8 in the Preparation fo…
Holiness Amid Evil: Day 7 in the Preparation for T…
Incomparable Joy and Protection Amid Suffering: Da…
“Only love creates”: Day 5 in the Preparation for …
City of the Immaculata: Day 4 in the Preparation f…
To Win All Souls for Christ through Mary and the M…
Sister Lucia, one of the visionaries who saw Mary in Fatima in 1917, stated:
“World war or world peace depends on the practice of … consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary… most of all because that is Our Lord’s will and also our dearest Heavenly Mother’s.”
To me, Consecration to Mary is one of the most humbling things we can do.
This is one of the reasons why I believe it is so transformative!
And this is also why I see it as the easiest and surest way of both living out the Divine Will and also helping to bring God’s Kingdom about – because when we give ourselves completely to God through Mary, He is able to have His Way with us, so that He is able to live inside of us and through us and work within us – in a way He never was able to before (with the help and love and prayers of our Mother)
– So, that then we and our lives and prayers are able to impact the world around us in ways that we can never conceive or imagine!!
Remember, Mary told us in Fatima that Consecration to her Immaculate Heart was God’s desire for us and that it would be our hope and the means through which He would save us and the world!
If you choose to watch these videos below, go to the settings tab and speed up the playback to at least 1.25
Invitation to Total Consecration
Day 1: God Alone – With, In and through Mary – 3…
Day 2: God Alone – With, In and through Mary – 33 …
Day 3: God Alone – With, In and through Mary – 33 …
Day 4: God Alone – With, In and through Mary – 33 …
Day 5: God Alone – With, In and through Mary – 33 …
O Jesus, I Surrender Myself to You! Surrender Nove…
Day 6: God Alone – With, In and through Mary – 33 …
Day 7: God Alone – With, In and through Mary – 33 …
Day 8: God Alone – With, In and through Mary – 33 …
Day 9: God Alone – With, In and through Mary – 33 …
Day 10: God Alone – With, In and through Mary – 33…
Day 11: God Alone – With, In and through Mary – 33…
Day 12: God Alone – With, In and through Mary – 33…
Day 13: God Alone – With, In and through Mary – 33…
Day 14: God Alone – With, In and through Mary – 33…
Day 15: God Alone – With, In and through Mary – 33…
Day 16: God Alone – With, In and through Mary – 33…
Revelations from Jesus and Mary about the Holy Sac…
Day 17: God Alone – With, In and through Mary – 33…
DAY 18: God Alone – With, In and through Mary – 33…
Miraculous Story of Claude Newman – A Death Row In…
Day 19: God Alone – With, In and through Mary – 33…
Day 20: God Alone – With, In and through Mary – 33…
Day 21: God Alone – With, In and through Mary – 33…
Day 22: God Alone – With, In and through Mary – 33…
Day 23: God Alone – With, In and through Mary – 33…
Day 24: God Alone – With, In and through Mary – 33…
Day 25: God Alone – With, In and through Mary – 33…
Day 26: God Alone – With, In and through Mary – 33…
Day 27: God Alone – With, In and through Mary – 33…
Day 28: God Alone – With, In and through Mary – 33…
Day 29: God Alone – With, In and through Mary – 33…
Day 30: God Alone – With, In and through Mary – 33…
Day 31: God Alone – With, In and through Mary – 33…
Day 32: God Alone – With, In and Through Mary – 33…
– in preparation to Consecrate our Nation with our Bishops on May 1, 2020
Day 9 – Total Consecration Day! To Jesus through M…
Day 8 Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary and…
Day 7 Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary and…
Day 6 Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary and…
Day 5 Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary and…
Day 4 Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary and…
Day 3 Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary and St. Joseph